Apache NiFi vs Apache Kafka

September 23, 2021

Apache NiFi vs Apache Kafka: The Showdown

When it comes to cloud deployment, data processing, and data streaming, two popular open-source tools come to mind: Apache NiFi and Apache Kafka. While both tools have found widespread use in real-time data handling and processing, there are quite a few differences in their capabilities and use cases. In this blog post, we will do a side-by-side comparison of Apache NiFi and Apache Kafka, without bias towards any one tool, so you can make an informed decision on which one to use.

Apache NiFi

Apache NiFi is a data integration and distribution system that was initially created to automate and manage the flow of data between different systems. It provides an intuitive web-based interface to design, manage, and control data flows across various sources, processors, and destinations.


  • Excellent flow management
  • User-friendly interface
  • Easily scalable
  • Ability to modify or amend data while it is in transit, unlike Kafka


  • Relatively high resource consumption
  • Needs a larger infrastructure to perform efficiently for big data
  • Not capable of handling a significant number of messages

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka, on the other hand, is a distributed data streaming platform that originated as a messaging system to handle large data streams. It provides a high-throughput, fault-tolerant, and scalable method for handling real-time data feeds. Kafka's architecture is based on pub/sub messaging, whereby data is published on a topic and consumed by subscribers.


  • High throughput and low latency
  • Millions of messages per second
  • Lower hardware consumption, making it easier to deploy on cloud and data centers
  • Better support for big data


  • Does not support message modification
  • Requires a third-party configuration tool to set up, which can be complex
  • Does not have an intuitive UI, making its use more technical


Now that we have seen the pros and cons of both, let us map out their common use cases side-by-side:

Use case Apache NiFi Apache Kafka
Data integration Perfect for small projects and real-time Can handle large-scale data integration
Data streaming Basic streaming capabilities Better support for large streams
Message modification Can modify messages Does not support message modification
UI/UX Easy-to-use web interface Does not have a user-friendly interface
Throughput Less throughput but still efficient Extremely high throughput
Hardware usage Quite high on resources Lower hardware usage


Both Apache NiFi and Apache Kafka have their own unique features, making them well-suited for specific use cases. Apache NiFi is excellent for small to medium scale projects that require real-time data flows with an easy-to-use interface. However, if you handle big streams of data, Apache Kafka is the go-to, offering more significant support for big data integration, high throughput, and lower hardware usage. When deciding which to use, it's essential to consider your project size, the number of messages you’re handling, and the complexities of the project.


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